Hottest Chapters About The Alpha’s Curvy Cinderella: A Little Spoiler Alert There

Cat Smith never fails to impress her readers with her unique writing style. An example of one of her outrageous works is Alpha’s Curvy Cinderella novel.

This novel draws you deeper into the sweet bitter life of Jordan Smith. Jordan was once a happy lovely child. One who had the most joy in the world.

With the death of Jordan’s mom, came the death of her joy. She was deprived of love, care, attention, and affection. All that was left was the broken pieces of her heart unable to heal.

Will there ever be a savior for Jordan? Or will leaving the blood moon pack be the only option left for her?

Part 1: The Alpha’s Curvy Cinderella – The Werewolf Story

The Alpha's Curvy Cinderella Jordan and her mom

The Alpha’s Curvy Cinderella by Cat Smith is a novel about Jordan Smith. Jordan is a seventeen-year-old gamma who was treated as a lesser human being.

Also Read: Fated Is Overrated Story Best Chapters

After the death of her mom in a rogue wolf attack, Jordan’s life has never been the same. Her family pinned the blame on her. They accused her of being the sole cause of her mom’s death.

Due to this fact, there was never a day in Jordan’s life that she wasn’t mocked, insulted, beaten and made to feel lesser. She was made to regret her very own existence.

Worst of it all was that most of it came from those she loved dearly. Her father, Maxwell, and her sister, Sarah, were her primary tormentors.

The grievance of having to lose a wife and a mom got to Maxwell and Sarah so badly that it blinded them and created a huge hatred gap in their heart. Who better to fill this void than the one person their mom died saving, Jordan?

Jordan faced torment, backlash, and hatred from almost everyone. When she’s at home, she walks on eggshells. While at school, she tries to hide and avoid her sister and her gang.

Then there’s her childhood friend, Alpha Grant, whom she thought would come to her rescue. But she was wrong, he joined her tormentors to make her life bitter.

Suddenly, Grant began to feel bitter about the situation Jordan was in. Sometimes he pities her and most times he feels disgusted by her.

But when Alpha Jaxon came into the picture, Grant felt a need to want Jordan more.

Will there be a fight between Alphas for Jordan’s heart in the Alpha’s Curvy Cinderella novel?

Part 2: Hottest Chapters About The Alpha’s Curvy Cinderella

So, I’ve listed some hot free chapters from the Alpha’s Cinderella novel you’ll love to get started with.

Yes, these chapters might contain some highlighted spoilers but where’s the fun without a little spoiler?

Here are some hot chapters you should look out for below:

Chapter 1

The Alpha's Curvy Cinderella Jordan being bullied

Jordan Smith is the name of the slave of the Smith family. Though born a Smith, Jordan has been faced with backlashes from her father and sister.

Why would your family treat you as a wretched slave? Well, for Jordan this was because they blamed her for the death of her mother.

Jordan was five years old when she lost her mom in a rogue attack. Her mom was trying to save her and the rogue didn’t hesitate to tear Jordan’s mom apart.

Ever since the incident, her dad turned cold towards her and her joy killer of a sister seized the opportunity to torment Jordan.

In a world where your family is against you, what more could go against you?

Keep reading the Alpha’s Curvy Cinderella by Cat Smith!

Chapter 4

The Alpha's Curvy Cinderella Grant

Chapter 4 of The Alpha’s curvy Cinderella novel talks about Grant’s points of view. To Grant, his once childhood friend, Jordan, was now a fat unfit wolf.

He detested her like most teenage wolves. Jordan being fat got him pissed off. He failed to see her for who she truly is.

Unlike Grant, his wolf, Hades, loves Jordan. Most times, Hades and Grant get into a mild argument regarding her.

Grant was eighteen and needed a mate. For him, Sarah, Jordan’s sister, was his ideal mate. He was ready to take her as his chosen mate.

What if he gets to find out his fated mate and it turns out to be Jordan, will he reject her?

Chapter 5

The Alpha's Curvy Cinderella Sarah

To help him find his fated mate, Grant’s parents proposed a ball. At first, Grant was against it but after much deliberation, he agreed.

Regardless, he wanted a chosen mate and Sarah was the one he planned to go for. She felt the same way about him.

Sarah had just gotten home from school. On her way home, she almost hit her little sister, Jordan, with her car.

Few minutes at home and Sarah was out again on the training field to steal glances at Grant and probably entice him. When Grant caught hold of her, he approached her.

After a little fling here and there, they ended up at Grant’s room. There, they got intimate but Grant was careful not to get Sarah pregnant.

For Sarah, that marks the beginning of her claiming him for herself with or without his approval.

Chapter 8

The Alpha's Curvy Cinderella Maxwell

What seemed like a once intimate moment between Grant and Sarah kept going on for days. In the Alpha’s Curvy Cinderella chapter 8, Sarah begins to sneak out to see Grant and eventually, they get intimate.

A few minutes after their intense intimacy, Grant stepped out of his soundproof room only to find Jordan out training. She was with her father training under the rain.

As Sarah stood with Grant, she couldn’t help but laugh and mock her sister. Grant felt somewhat uneasy seeing Jordan in such pain. He couldn’t explain why he felt that way towards her.

Maxwell, Sarah’s father, caught sight of his daughter with Grant. He moved towards her direction and Sarah stylishly signaled Grant before she went to meet him.

Obviously, he was going to question her but she had the smoothest lies to corner him.

Chapter 12

The Alpha's Curvy Cinderella A new Alpha

Chapter 12 of the alpha’s curvy Cinderella novel introduces Jaxon. Jaxon is a gorgeous alpha from another school and a different pack.

On seeing Jaxon, Grant felt opposed and challenged. It was as if all the attention he gets will drift away to Jaxon.

Jaxon was a much more handsome Alpha than him, his chiseled face, slender legs, and broad shoulders were too gorgeous to ignore.

What more? Jaxon was interested in the fat pigs they made a laughing stock. On several occasions, he was seen with Jordan, flirting with her and trying to get her attention.

He also invited her to come dine with his pack but Jordan dared not because her father, Maxwell, will surely bury her alive.

Part 3: Perfect Movie Choice Similar to The Alpha’s Curvy Cinderella Story

The Alpha's Curvy Cinderella similar movie

A perfect movie choice I’ll recommend that’s somewhat similar to the Alpha’s Curvy Cinderella novel is Fatal Attraction: The Hybrid Princess.

This is the story of Natalie, a half-werewolf and half-dragon vampire. After a betrayal from her chosen mate, Alpha Derek of the lake shore, Natalie left her pack to stay with her grandfather.

A few months later the sad news of her parent’s demise hits her. Natalie is forced to return to her pack which has been overthrown by a new alpha, Jayce of the West Point pack. She digs to find out her parent’s killer.

But with Jayce, the new alpha, came trouble as a few of the pack members were mysteriously murdered. Also, a mystery vampire appears.

Who could be behind the murder of the pack members? Does Natalie know the power she possesses and her true hybrid origin?

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