Drop The Act, I’m The True Heiress Cast Act: Hook You Immediately

Who is the real Patterson heiress? Chloe or Cindy Patterson? A desperate attempt to steal someone else’ identity would definitely land the culprit in trouble as it did to Cindy Patterson who took advantage of a gathering of mistakes to claim that she was the Patterson heiress, daughter of the renowned William Patterson.

Part 1: Drop The Act, I’m The True Heiress Movie Review

Chloe had woken up in a good mood and on a good day, but after sharing a cheerful morning with her father, of which she asked him to do her boyfriend, Max Brown a favor by awarding his company a billion-dollar contract, she got the bad end of her good will.

Drop the Act, I'm the True Heiress Actors

Chloe arrived at the party where she would meet Max Brown, and he would award her with praises about the contract that he had just gotten, but by the time she arrived, she saw that Max Brown had hooked up with another lady called Cindy Patterson.

Max had been cheating on Chloe for the past couple of months. Cindy was just casually asked what her name was, as she did not attend that party with the intention of stealing anybody’s identity, but the fact that her surname was coincidentally ‘Patterson,’ made everyone to think that she was the Patterson heiress whom everyone respected.

Instead of Cindy correcting everyone and stating that there was a mix-up and that she was not the famous Patterson, she went ahead with the narrative because, according to her, she was enjoying the attention.

Can you imagine? She did not care about the consequences of her actions; she was just enjoying that attention, so she stole the identity of the daughter of a powerful family. Well, very good.

It is difficult to understand the part of the plot where Max Brown started to tell everyone that this Cindy, he fake heiress, was his girlfriend, and she had awarded him a contract through her influence. Did he not know who his girlfriend was before that time, or was he just in the mood to run along with another woman because he was tired of his actual girlfriend, the real Patterson heiress?

Max Brown agreed with this new Patterson called Cindy and gave her the praises that were meant for Chloe. In fact, Max Brown’s mother whispered into his ear that he should immediately dump Chloe and take this other Patterson as his girlfriend. Again, I ask, did Max not know who his girlfriend originally was and what she was capable of?

While the fake Patterson was receiving praises, Chloe Patterson, the actual Patterson heiress walked into the party, and naturally went to her boyfriend Max Brown to hug him and smother him, but to her surprise, she saw him holding on to Cindy Patterson, and claiming that she was his lucky charm who had awarded him a contract via her family’s influence.

I must confess that something is not right within that plot of Drop The Act, I’m The True Heiress Movie, but moving on, Chloe was stunned, glued to the ground. While she tried to let everyone around know that she was the real Patterson, they only mocked her and called her names, claiming that she must be a psycho who was desperate for attention and was doing all sorts of despicable things to get it.

In fact, they bullied her for trying to steal Cindy Patterson’s boyfriend, Max Brown. Imagine receiving that sort of pay back after awarding someone a billion-dollar deal.

Max Brown’s mother completely destroyed Chloe with abuses, claiming that she was worthless to her son, and that her son, Max would do better with Cindy Patterson because she was the person who awarded him that contract via her father’s influence.

Chloe broke up with Max at once, but while she was there listening in disbelief to everyone throw stones at her, something strange happened.

A young man called Eric Walton spotted Chloe, and he seemed to recognize her from a different experience entirely. Eric Walton was the second person on the Forbes Billionaire list according to the movie, and he swooned in to help Chloe out of what was looking like a huge embarrassment to her.

Part 2: Meet The Cast Of Drop The Act, I’m The True Heiress Full Movie

Chloe Patterson

Drop the Act, I'm the True Heiress Cast

Chloe’s real name is Serena Profaci, and she is the lead female character of the movie. She is an actress, and a singer based in New York City, and a recent graduate of the William Esper Studio’s 2-Year Meisner Training Program. She is skilled in movement, voice, speech, and dialect.

In this movie, Serena goes by the name Chloe Patterson, the original daughter and true heiress of the Patterson family, but she has her identity stolen from her by Cindy Patterson who just happened to bump into everyone calling her the Patterson heiress.

Chloe was graceful, patient and classy in this movie, and she smoothly played her game until everyone realized that she was the original Patterson daughter, the true heiress.

Cindy Patterson

Drop the Act, I'm the True Heiress Actresses

Cindy Patterson, real name Kierann Harmon, is the supporting female character of the movie. Cindy stole the identity of Chloe Patterson, just because they had the same surname.

There was no blood relationship between Cindy and Chloe at all, but Cindy felt so bold to claim to be the Patterson heiress, daughter of William Patterson. She must have been really poor and desperate to claim such a stead because how could she not have been afraid of what William Patterson would do to her?

Well, maybe she had nothing to lose and the attention which she would gain over the short period of time would do more justice to her than whatever trouble she would get in would cost her.

Max Brown

Drop the Act, I'm the True Heiress Max Brown

Max Brown, real name, Caleb Graham, is the male lead character of Drop The Act, I’m The True Heiress Movie. In the movie, Max Brown was a cheat. Max was Chloe’s boyfriend, but he was cheating on her with Cindy Patterson.

One would maybe wonder that Max was obsessed with the Patterson surname and wanted to get entangled with any lady that bore the surname so that he could definitely end up with the actual heiress.

Max immediately denied Chloe Patterson as soon as everyone at a party falsely identified Cindy Patterson as the heiress to the Patterson wealth.

Eric Walton

Drop the Act, I'm the True Heiress Eric Walton

Eric Walton, real name Raffi Manjikian is the supporting male character of the movie. He was the next boyfriend of Chloe Patterson after she was humiliated by Max Brown, and she dumped him.

Eric had a separate bias for Chloe because she had saved his life in the past when he drowned and almost died.

Eric was the knight in shining armor that Chloe needed.

William Patterson

Cast of the Drop the Act, I'm the True Heiress

William Patterson is Chloe Patterson’s father, and his real name is Brian Cheney. He is a musician in real life and goes around performing on tours and the likes.

In Drop The Act, I’m The True Heiress Movie, William is the richest man in the world, whom everyone wats to get affiliated with. He loved his daughter Chloe, and did literally anything she asked for, including awarding a billion-dollar contract to her boyfriend Max Brown, even though his company was not qualified for such a valuable contract.

Part 3: Highly Recommended Episodes on Drop the Act, I’m the True Heiress Movie

Episode 2

Drop the Act, I'm the True Heiress Episode 2

‘’The richest man in the world is my father.’’

Can you imagine someone publicly declaring that the richest man in the world is her father? Cindy Patterson was not even afraid that such a statement and such a heavy crime against powerful people could lead her to a drastic end?

Everyone in the party had made a mistake, quite alright, and had started to call Cindy the heiress of the Patterson family, but what she was supposed to do was say, ‘oh, no, it’s not me, I just happen to have the same surname,’ yet she did not, instead, she claimed the surname and the identity.

‘’And that billion-dollar contract he gave you, it was his gift because I asked him to.’’

Lies were just spewing out of Cindy’s mouth unstoppably. As everyone thought she was the Patterson heiress, she wiggled into the role and told Max Brown that she was the person that awarded him the contract he had just received.

Episode 3

Drop the Act, I'm the True Heiress Episode 3

Sheilla, happy birthday. I specifically selected these gifts for you.’’

Chloe had arrived at the party to see that her identity had been snatched from her. She was astonished, but there was no way she could allow Cindy’s scheme to succeed according to her, so she went ahead to present Sheilla Brown, Max’ mother, the gift that she had gotten her.

‘’Don’t you dare think you can buy me off with some cheap necklace.’’

The Brown family were nothing but gold diggers, as in all of them. Sheilla Brown, thinking that Chloe was not the true Heiress, rudely rejected the gift and threw it on the floor, calling it cheap.

That necklace was worth millions but just because Sheilla had made up her mind that Cindy was the true Patterson heiress, she failed to see the value of the necklace.

Episode 6

Drop the Act, I'm the True Heiress Episode 6

‘’I’m sorry darling, I’m late…’’

Eric Walton came to the rescue in this episode. Already, Chloe was facing enough disgrace, so she had nothing to lose if she dared to hitch on to a handsome young man who happened to be a Forbes Billionaire member.

Eric was present at the party, and witnessed what was going on with Chloe, so what did he do? He came and claimed Chloe as his girlfriend, and of course, Chloe played along. Even though she was going to go her separate ways from Eric later, at least just for that moment, she needed to save her face, so she keyed into Eric’s plot.

Eric had known Chloe from the past after she saved him from drowning, and he had been looking for her since then. He was happy to have found her even though she was in a terrible situation.

Well, good for him. At least he would be her savior and enter her life through that window.


The plot twist in Drop The Act, I’m The True Billionaire Movie, is exactly what viewers need to get hooked on their devices as they watch the drama unfold. A very fast paced plot gives way to a plethora of characters rolling out to take on different roles to suit the overall message of the movie.

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