Introducing the Cast of You Belong with Me Full Movie

The “You Belong With Me” short film has intense sexuality elements, especially when Kristine Wilson seduces Uncle Henry Lockwood in bed.

She does it to have a sweet revenge against Eric Lockwood, her soon-to-be ex-fiancé, who plays with her feelings by sleeping with her adoptive sister.

Kristine and Henry’s energetic and passionate plays on the bed make this short drama series one of the best series. The mixture of corporate environment-related scenes adds flavor to this movie. Conflicts with the antagonists, such as Eric, the adoptive sister, and their mothers, also keep the story flowing.

Who are the casts contributing to the steamy elements we witness in “You Belong With Me” movie?

Part 1: Summary Of Full Free Episodes Of You Belong With Me Short Film

You Belong With Me Short Film

The “You Belong With Me” short film is about Kristine Wilson, a young woman with a decent professional life, yet has the worst luck in her relationship.

Kristine was once engaged to Eric Lockwood, a so-called influential man whom Kristine’s family thought could restore their businesses. Eric loves to shower her with kind words and affection at the beginning of their relationship. He even promises to buy Kristine a luxurious penthouse once they marry.

Unfortunately, the luck is not on Kristine’s side. She witnesses Eric and Gianna, her adopted sister, making out in bed, with her own eyes. Since then, Kristine has found it difficult to trust Eric’s empty words ever again.

Fiona Lockwood, Eric’s mother, should have been the supportive figure for Kristine, had she never witnessed the verbal and physical abuse from Eric. Yet, as the stories of the “You Belong With Me” movie progress, Fiona shows her true abusive color. For instance, in Episode 6, she slaps Kristine and calls her horrible names because Kristine no longer wants to meet up with Eric.

You Belong With Me Drama Cast

Kristine meets Henry Lockwood, Eric’s uncle and the CEO of the company’s CEO, when she is on her way to a nightclub to take some sips and “forget it all”. It all starts with their locking lips together. Then, they further their relationships in bed, more passionately than Kristine would get when she was in a relationship with Eric.

Henry knows how problematic Eric is, and Kristine’s seduction also consistently pleases him. So, he reprimands his nephew in front of Kristine and other co-workers. Eric eventually knows their relationship, and he starts threatening Kristine by reminding her about the family’s business.

Starting from this scene and on, Eric constantly becomes “hot-and-cold” to Kristine. Yet, his intention is never pure. So, how will Henry fight his nephew and ensure Kristine that now she belongs to him instead of his wayward nephew?

Part 2: Introduction Of You Belong With Me Full Short Film Cast

Emma Hullar as Kristine Wilson

You Belong With Me Actors And Actresses Emma

Emma Hullar, a NY-born actress, has amazing shoots in taking Kristine Wilson’s roles in “You Belong With Me” movie. That’s why many people have remembered her lead female role and put her into their favorite rising star actress list, even though Emma is a new actress.

The short film industry predicts she will play at least three other movies after her amazing plays at You Belong With Me. Like most actors and actresses, Emma is also great when taking photos of her face or physical routines.

Eric Taylor Guilmette as Henry Lockwood

You Belong With Me Actors And Actresses Eric

Some audiences refer to Eric Taylor Guilmette, the actor behind the success of Uncle Henry Lockwood’s role, as only “Eric Guilmette” without “Taylor”. Nevertheless, this Massachusetts-born full-time actor has fantastic tracks of acting as the dominant lead male roles in the movie industry.

Alpha werewolves, the psychological thriller hero, and finally, the no-nonsense uncle in You Belong With Me, are some character traits audiences often associate with Eric. Currently, he lives in Los Angeles: A city where he is building his full-time acting and modeling career.

Casie Maghran as Gianna Wilson

You Belong With Me Actors And Actresses Casie

We frequently see actors and actresses who also have modeling or photoshoot roles while they are not acting. Yet, what about a singer, dancer, model, and actress in one person? That’s what you will see in Casie Maghran, the cast for Gianna Wilson, the cheating adoptive sister in “You Belong With Me” movie.

Apart from her casting experiences since 2022, Casie also loves teaching children to dance and backpack in a National Park. She has also played in several drama monologues. It is possible that, in the future, Casie will star in some more short movies, most likely due to her multi-talented nature.

Nick Mauldin as Eric Lockwood

You Belong With Me Actors And Actresses Nick

Is it a coincidence that Gianna and Eric’s real-life versions are also singers? I guess that’s not, for the movie director likely sets the scenes up for them. Nick Mauldin, the starring actor for Eric Lockwood, Kristine Wilson’s ex-fiancé, is not only a great singer. He can also play guitar a little bit.

When we look at Nick’s acting portfolios, we will know this Texas-born actor frequently stars as soldiers in action movies. Yet, some of his facial expressions are serious and comical at the same time. We can see Nick’s more comical (or perhaps, trolling) side when we watch the “You Belong With Me” short film.

Part 3: Can’t Miss You Belong With Me Short Film On ReelShort!

You Belong With Me ReelShort

“You Belong With Me” has several emotionally stirring episodes that involve the complex relationship dynamics between Kristine Wilson, Henry “the loving uncle” Lockwood, and Eric Lockwood a.k.a. the ungrateful cheater fiancé who keeps returning.

Some audiences might find themselves annoyed by Eric’s disrespectful manners. Eric consistently shows the audience his fake superiority by threatening, mocking, and demeaning Kristine through the episodes of You Belong With Me.

For instance, Episode 4 shows Eric yelling at Kristine. Meanwhile, Gianna sits on the front chair, wearing a matching pair of eyeglasses with Eric. It shows Eric wants to ensure Kristine experiences a mental breakdown after he disrespectfully sleeps with the cunning adoptive sister and dismisses Kristine’s opinions.

Some end parts of Episode 7 also show Eric gaslighting Kristine after reminding her about her family’s business. He does it all when his uncle is away and nobody is around.

Some audiences might think of Eric as an annoying and immature villain worthy of tougher lessons. So, if you’ve wondered how other characters, especially Uncle Henry, teach Eric some lessons, why don’t you watch the full movie on ReelShort?

You can’t miss all of the great episodes of “You Belong With Me” movie when you watch it on ReelShort!

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