Chasing My Rejected Wife Short Drama Hot Episodes

The two main characters in Chasing My Rejected Wife drama are Aileen Smith and Anthony Price. At first, Aileen never gets to know the man she married, let alone his name.

She had never seen her man for a year since the issuance of their marriage certificate. At the same time, Aileen feels desperate to pay for her grandmother’s medical bills. So, she applies for a job as a personal secretary.

What will happen when Aileen discovers she will be her husband’s assistant? The episodes will reveal Anthony’s identity slowly but surely. They will also drive curiosity as audiences try to grasp the clues.

Part 1: Introduction Of Chasing My Rejected Wife

Chasing My Rejected Wife Novel

“Chasing My Rejected Wife” is an arranged marriage-themed short movie with mystery twists for one of the main characters. Anthony Price, the billionaire CEO, was a faceless character in the first episode.

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Not only that Aileen doesn’t see this man’s face at all. Aileen also never spends any quality time with Anthony (a.k.a. “Tony”), the man whom she is married into. All Aileen receives after the mysterious wedding vow is only the man’s limitless black credit card. Anthony, the mysterious man, only instructs Aileen to use the card as much as she pleases, because he is heading to his UK office soon.

In the meantime, Aileen remembers her dying grandmother’s request. The grandmother’s only wish was for Aileen to marry a trustworthy man like Anthony.

However, Anthony tries his best not to make himself known to Aileen, even though they already tied the knot. The already-desperate Aileen then applies for a personal assistant job to fund herself.

What will happen when Anthony, Aileen’s husband, becomes her CEO? Anthony recognizes and remembers Aileen. Yet, Aileen doesn’t even know his name! Can they restore their lost memories?

Part 2: Best Hot Episodes About Chasing My Rejected Wife Short Drama

Chasing My Rejected Wife Episode 1

Chasing My Rejected Wife Episode 1

“I pronounce you to be the husband and wife,” is a statement that all married couples will hear during their ceremonies. It applies to Anthony Price, the mysterious groom, and Aileen, his bride. Unfortunately, Aileen doesn’t know this man, and she also can’t see his face. The same things continue even after they have been married for one year.

All Aileen receives from this mysterious man is a black credit card without spending limits. Puzzled about what to do, Aileen applies for jobs in several different places until she gets an e-mail from one of the companies to be present in their office for further selection processes.

So, she nods with the hope of funding herself and her remaining family members. After all, Aileen’s grandmother has always loved her, and the grandmother currently receives hospital treatment.

Chasing My Rejected Wife Episode 2

Chasing My Rejected Wife Episode 2

Chasing My Rejected Wife Episode 2 becomes one of the best episodes because it shows Anthony Price’s face for the first time after Aileen has never seen her husband’s face for one year. Anthony Price is the CEO of the Riverdale company Aileen works in.

According to Dean, the current executive assistant, Mr. Price (that’s what other co-workers are supposed to call Anthony) is looking for a new assistant. Dean adds, “Rumors say it would be an internal recruitment,” while offering Aileen to apply for the place.

Aileen says yes to Dean’s offer, not knowing that this Anthony a.k.a. Mr. Price guy is her husband! All she wishes is only to do the best for herself, her grandmother, and the company. The interviewing stories then continue to the short movie’s Episode 3.

Chasing My Rejected Wife Episode 3

Chasing My Rejected Wife Episode 3

Two candidates face CEO Anthony Price in Chasing My Rejected Wife Episode 3. The first candidate is Daniel Thompson. With his extensive five-year experiences in contributing to the company and his family connection to William Thompson, he should have nailed the assistant position, shouldn’t he?

No, because Anthony rejects him straightforwardly, saying, “There’s no room for nepotism,” despite Daniel’s useless begs to the CEO. However, Anthony’s facial expression changes dramatically when it’s Aileen’s turn to introduce herself.

He remembers Aileen is his wife. Yet, he wants to keep it professional. At this point, Aileen still hasn’t remembered Anthony yet. However, the show must go on, for Anthony has hired Aileen as his assistant.

Chasing My Rejected Wife Episode 5

Chasing My Rejected Wife Episode 5

Dean gives Aileen a heads-up when he has witnessed Aileen’s feelings for Anthony several times. It becomes an opening scene to Episode 5 of Chasing My Rejected Wife short drama. After their working hours were over and they had parted ways, Aileen received a mysterious call from a “Tony” guy.

All Aileen remembers about the man she married one year ago was only his voice. Then, again, her memories have faded away. She has promised Dean (and possibly, other co-workers) to keep her professionality when doing her assistant job in the office.

Meanwhile, Anthony thought Aileen had dated another man, for he heard, “Aileen, Babe, time for dinner,” as the background voice when he made a phone call to her. Now, he feels heartbroken, for Aileen doesn’t even know his name.

Part 3: Conclusion

Chasing My Rejected Wife Short Drama

Chasing My Rejected Wife doesn’t only stop in serving heartfelt romance scenes throughout the movie series. The movie director teams also aim to produce one-of-a-kind adventure scenarios.

For instance, they invite audiences to play a guessing game in Aileen and Anthony’s positions as they try to recover their marriage memories. It can give the audience a thrill as they become even more interested in seeing how a piece of book story transforms into a collection of short movie clips.

Nonetheless, some audiences might be confused about some elements of Chasing My Rejected Wife. Sometimes, the audiences would like it more if all lead roles’ faces were visible since the first episode.

The “Rejected” word also feels a little bit off, for to be “Rejected”, the “Wife” should experience a series of betrayal, abuse, and other unpleasant things. On the other hand, Anthony is all affectionate and loving towards Aileen, his wife, who doesn’t even remember his name (which leads his grandmother to scold him!). That makes an alternative movie a necessity.

Alternative To Chasing My Rejected Wife

For instance, ReelShort has The Heiress Strikes Back. Here’s a summary, of similarities, and differences between the two movies:

In this ReelShort movie, the romance and adventure portions are more balanced. All lead protagonists and antagonists’ faces have been visible since the first episodes. If their debuts were after Episode 1, the short will immediately portray their close-up faces.

Like Chasing My Rejected Wife, The Heiress Strikes Back also has the “clue” game throughout the series. More precisely, the audiences will think about who is the heiress to the well-known, wealthy, and respected Keller family: Amelia (the maid) or Betty Everhart (the Golden Girl).

Let’s not forget the two Everhart girls’ faces have their cover in the movie! The movie’s cover’s presence doesn’t only differentiate this ReelShort movie from Chasing The Rejected Wife’s cover which doesn’t show the wife getting beaten or some sort of it; it also gives the audience rough ideas of what’s going on in the movie.

If a “clue game” without too many mystery scenes and with some spice of romance is for you, you should watch ReelShort’s The Heiress Strikes Back instead!

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