I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Movie Watching Online Guide: Cast & Characters

Hating is something people have to do wholeheartedly. Yet, what if “I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis” happened?

The party girl, Lexey Ember, and the book-loving nerd, Nick Rivers, hate each other, especially now that their parents constantly want to discuss their marriage. Psychic Cupid supports the parents’ decisions by taking on opportunities for car crashes after the party.

The car crash doesn’t only cause Lexey and Nick to swap their bodies. Instead, they start embracing each other’s hidden best qualities, starting from their brave moving-in-together plans.

Here, we watch as two individuals previously hating each other becoming passionate, deep, and loving partners!

Part 1: What Is I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Movie All About?

I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Trailer

“I would rather die than marry,”—Lexey Ember and Nick Rivers, (previously) hating each other, from “I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis” movie.

Lexey Ember and Nick Rivers have always loathed their parents’ constant talks about their future marriage. Not only do they feel that their tastes of a match made in heaven; but they also feel they might restrict each other’s lifestyle.

Lexey is always a cheerful and sociable party girl. She knows the best mix for her gin, and almost all bartenders are her friends. She also doesn’t have any time left for men, because she needs to overcome traumas from her recent horrible breakups with her boyfriend.

I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Watch Online

Meanwhile, Nick’s book-loving demeanors are identical to his father’s. He isn’t big on parties, yet, he loves reading philosophy books and watching thoughtful movies. For instance, when he dates someone mentioning The Great Gatsby, he would expect someone to be able to discuss Fitzgerald instead of merely enjoying the adapted movie versions or any elements in it, such as the actors, actresses, and others.

So, when watching “I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis” movie, imagine how disappointed both parties will be after knowing they can’t escape from their parents’ dinner table set-ups. Lexey feels even more pressed, because Danny Diaz, her ex-boyfriend, is also present in the room. Danny uses the opportunity to threaten her and blame the ex-girlfriend for breaking up with a cheater like him.

Lexey immediately feels uncomfortable, for she knows her ex-boyfriend doesn’t make any sense. Nick’s acts of saving her don’t please her, either. Nick’s constant throws of sarcasm only erode her mentality and make her hate him even more.

Yet, Cupid Psychic observes both parties in a far, far away land. He uses the car crash opportunity that involves Lexey and Nick to make both parties swap their bodies, minds, and souls. So, what will they say or do when their parents arrive, most likely asking about their marriage?

Part 2: The Cast & Characters Of I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Movie

Lexey Ember

I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Lexey

Partying all night becomes Lexey’s ultimate solution for every problem happening in her life. That’s how Lexey Ember, the lead female protagonist of I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis, becomes a party girl. Her high alcohol tolerance and sociability among bartenders and guests are some other visible “party girl” signs in the movie.

Beneath Lexey’s cheerful exterior lies a dark past that involves her ex-boyfriend’s betrayal. Earlier episodes of I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis movie indicate Lexey has just broken up with Danny Diaz a few months ago due to Danny’s cheating with his secretary. It makes Lexey distrustful of other men, especially when the man is someone like Nick Rivers.

Nick Rivers

I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Nick

Reading philosophy books and thoroughly analyzing movies as Nick Rivers’ favorite ways of spending his me-time makes him a proud scholar. Nick Rivers, the lead male protagonist of I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis, is oblivious to things he considers as “shallow” like parties with gin and other alcoholic drinks.

So, Nick immediately expresses his disapproval when his father constantly pairs him with a superficial girl like Lexey Ember. He even grows hatred towards Lexey after knowing the girl can’t handle how he expresses his thoughts. At the same time, his shocks and screams upon figuring out the swapped souls are way above Lexey.

Danny Diaz

I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Danny

Danny Diaz, Lexey’s pesky ex-boyfriend in I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis, has an annoying playboy tendency. His secretary is the next victim after his apparent and unreasonable boredom with his past relationship with Lexey.

The secretary might never appear, at least in the first free episodes of I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis. Yet, Danny’s wandering eyes quickly scan around the restaurants to see more than two girls to flirt with.

Psychic Cupid

I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Cupid

Cupid is a psychic alias in the I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis movie. Cupid comes from a foreign land far away from where Lexey, Nick, Danny, and other characters in “I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis” live.

A crystal ball doesn’t only become one of Psychic Cupid’s treasured properties. Cupid also possesses a supernatural power that can see beyond his territory and swap the targets’ bodies, minds, and souls to achieve the desired outcome.

Part 3: I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Hot Episodes You Can’t-Miss!

I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Episode 2

I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Episode 2

Parents don’t typically listen to their children, so, the undesired date starts right away for Nick and Lexey in I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Episode 2. At first, Nick thinks of giving Lexey a go because of her attractive features. Lexey’s 19 minutes late becomes a problem for Nick because of his general negative feelings toward her.

At the same time, Lexey doesn’t know the answers to Nick’s critical questions. Danny Diaz, Lexey’s irritating ex-boyfriend, appears out of nowhere while Nick is about to part ways with Lexey.

I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Episode 3

I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Episode 3

Danny elevates Lexey’s discomfort to a whole another level in I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Episode 3. First, he asks Lexey her “new man toy”, signifying his denials of truth: The cheating history with his secretary. Then, he screams and pulls Lexey’s hand harshly after Lexey uncovers the truth.

Danny also accuses Lexey of living in the 1900s, which it disgusts Lexey even more. Other minor characters can only photograph and record their acts through videos. Meanwhile, Nick comes to Lexey’s rescue.

I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Episode 4

I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Episode 4

The shameless Danny is still audacious enough to say things like, “I’ll see you around next time, Lexey,” after Nick fatally hurt him because he harassed Lexey. Nick’s return to Lexey’s table slightly relieves Lexey’s emotions; yet, she still doesn’t want Nick to be her husband, so, she maintains her composure while trying to tell all about her past.

Nick’s berates of Lexey for being a spoiled, reckless, and princess-like girl only worsens things up. At the same time, Psychic Cupid witnesses these entire things from afar and takes the opportunity to swap their bodies.

I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Episode 6

I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Episode 6

Lexey and Nick are equally shocked, and the audience can feel their emotions in I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Episode 6. The mysterious Psychic Cupid doesn’t only swap their bodies; their voices and even souls are also getting swapped!

Lexey and Nick’s “dedication” to hating each other leads them to figure out ways to get out of each other’s body, even though they have to do hilarious things they never did before. So, what about kisses? Will a single kiss restore their bodies and souls to their original positions?

Who knows—unless we watch the full episodes of I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis?

Part 4: Watch I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis Full Movie On ReelShort

As one of the best enemies-to-lovers romance movies, I Swapped Bodies With My Nemesis provides fun, delightful, emotionally evoking, and heart-warming scenes between Lexey and Nick’s bittersweet relationships.

The first 11 episodes, including the trailer, are only the beginning of the movie! ReelShort is the platform for you to enjoy the full episodes.

So, don’t wait anymore and watch it on ReelShort’s website or APP!

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