Read Kiss Me One Last Time Novel For Free

Adeline Rhodes, innocent as they come, must deal with a reckless and desperately wicked sister who stopped at nothing to see that Adeline was hurt just because she wanted to have a man who showed interest in Adeline. The plot twist in this short drama is crazy and somewhat sickening. Enjoy!

Part 1: What is Kiss Me One Last Time Novel About?

Kiss Me One Last Time

In a nutshell? Death! Tragic romance and death. That is what the drama is about. Adeline Rhodes forced herself on Blake Rhodes. It may be tough to agree with the fact, but that is a hundred percent what happened.

Blake Rhodes was originally friends with Rebecca Miller, who, according to the plot of the drama, was an estranged sister of Adeline Rhodes. In most of the flashbacks during the course of the drama, one would see that Blake was originally invested in Rebecca, until innocent Adeline came into the picture and caught Blake’s attention.

It so happened that Blake and Adeline got married, and that was how Adeline acquired his last name, Rhodes. Now, how did they get married when Blake liked Rebecca originally?

Rebecca was sick at a point, and needed a kidney transplant, thus, she needed a donor. Because of his love and fondness for Rebecca, Blake begged Adeline to give Rebecca one of her kidneys so that she would have a chance at survival, and Adeline agreed, but she had a request for Blake for her to freely give out her kidney.

Marry me! Adeline said that it was the condition that Blake had to meet if he wanted her to give out one of her kidneys, and Blake agreed because there was no way he wanted to lose Rebecca. Now think about it, wasn’t that desperate of Adeline? Well, the deed was done, and Rebecca got a new kidney and then, just as planned, Adeline and Blake got married.

While that was everything that Adeline wanted, her marriage to Blake did not come with peace even for a moment. Blake bullied and tortured her physically, mentally, just to name it, and he did all these while Adeline suffered cancer. Her last kidney fell apart, and she was at the verge of death. In fact, the doctor said she had just four months to live.

There is one detail in Kiss Me One Last Time Novel that will bother viewers a lot, and that is the fact that Adeline chose to hide her ailment from Blake.

Why? Adeline was coughing out blood on a daily basis, and the entire time, Blake had not the slightest idea. I mean, if he had spent time with Adeline, he would have known, right? But he was out there with Rebecca, who was the original ‘mistress of his heart.’

While all this was going on, Adeline also had to deal with her irresponsible mother. Adeline’s mother, Paula, was an alcoholic and a druggie, and she lived away from Adeline. She would often show up to take money from Adeline to purchase more drugs and alcohol, as well as to pay off debts that she owed to criminals. As a matter of fact, the woman’s life was in danger.

In a bid to come through for her mother, Adeline often took money from her rich husband, Blake Rhode’s account, and gave it to her mother. What we are talking about here are huge chunks of money taken, and this was often done without Adeline informing Blake. All Blake could see was that Adeline was taking money consistently, and because of this, he taught that Adeline was cheating on him.

All Adeline needed to do was to divorce Blake Rhodes who obviously was not interested in the marriage, but she failed to do so due to so many reasons, especially for the fact that she needed money to keep her mother out of trouble. Eventually, Adeline found out that she was pregnant for Blake Rhodes, and it only led her to keeping more secrets from him.

At the end of the drama, Adeline died, and even though Blake found out about her cancer illness and started to feel a tender emotion towards her, it was rather too late. She was right there for him to love and cherish her for three years of their marriage, but he failed to do so until her last days.

Part 2: Popular Episodes Of Kiss Me One Last Time

Episode 3

Kiss Me One Last Time Book

In this episode of Kiss Me One Last Time Story, Blake Rhodes is seen forcing Adeline to do a blood transfusion for Rebecca who was pretending to be sick. Yes! Adeline had donated her kidney to Rebecca and was still required to donate blood to Rebecca from time to time even though she was sick of cancer. Horrible, right?


Blake did not know that Adeline had cancer, and each time Adeline tried to tell him, he just would not listen to her because he was used to shutting her up and out of his life. Well, in this episode, a nurse tried to bring Blake’s attention to the fact that his wife was not capable of a blood transfusion, but he didn’t listen to anyone. After all, Adeline married him with the condition to save Rebecca, right? In that case, Adeline had to come through for Rebecca every single time.

Episodes 32-37

Kiss Me One Last Time Story

These episodes of Kiss Me One Last Time carry the same theme. After one of the episodes of torture, Blake finds out that Adeline has cancer, and immediately he starts to feel bad for her. He regrets everything he has done to her and starts to take care of her in the hospital.

In fact, within one of these episodes, Blake finds out about Adeline’s mother and the fact that Adeline was always sending the woman money, and he had arranged with his assistant to get in touch with Adeline’s mother and give her as much money as she needed so that she would not bother Adeline again, but guess what happened?

Rebecca heard about what was going on and visited the hospital with a fake diagnosis report about Adeline, stating to Blake that Adeline just had a small case of malnutrition and gastritis, and not cancer. The gullible and somewhat stupid Blake Rhodes believed Rebecca at once and returned to his evil ways of torturing Adeline.

It was even worse at the time because he was convinced and angry at Adeline, claiming that she dared to lie to him for favors.

Part 3: Meet The Characters Of Kiss Me One Last Time

Adeline Rhodes

Kiss Me One Last Time Adeline

Adeline Rhodes is the lead character of the drama series and suffered a great deal of distress throughout the movie. In fact, one might find it difficult to watch Adeline go through trauma while she constantly coughed out blood as she suffered in the hands of her husband and sister.

Adeline was married to Blake Rhodes because she donated one of her kidneys to save her sister, Rebecca. Adeline was so in love with Blake to the extent that she agreed to give out her kidney just so that Blake would get married to her, and that resulted in her trauma, torture and eventual tragic death.

Blake Rhodes

Kiss Me One Last Time Blake Rhodes

Blake Rhodes is the male lead of the drama series and is the husband of Adeline. Blake felt that he owed Rebecca a service for saving his life when he fell from a tree when he was younger, so that was the major reason he shared himself between both sisters.

He spent time with Rebecca and would do anything that Rebecca asked him to do which included forcing Adeline to give her kidney out to Rebecca, and making Adeline donate blood to Rebecca even though Rebecca was never sick.

Blake found out when it was too late that Adeline was the actual person who saved his life when he fell from a tree, and that Adeline was sick of cancer as well as pregnant for his daughter. Because of his carelessness, he lost Adeline to the cold hands of death and would have lost his daughter as well if not for the intervention of Dr. Harrison.

Rebecca Miller

Kiss Me One Last Time Rebecca Miller

Rebecca Miller was Adeline’s estranged sister who would stop at nothing to see that Adeline suffered until she died. Rebecca hated Adeline for various reasons including the fact that Blake was interested in Adeline instead of her whom he had met first.

Rebecca plotted to make Adeline’s mother kill herself, and did everything in her power to make Adeline suffer until she eventually died. Kiss Me One Last Time Novel narrates that Rebecca was eventually discovered by Blake as the wicked and treacherous villain that she was.


Kiss Me One Last Time Novel

Kiss me one last time is a tragedy. The story has apathetic beginning, and a pathetic ending if you ask me, if not for the fact that Adeline’s daughter, Reene survived and grew up healthy with Dr. Harrison taking care of her as her God father.

Viewers of this short drama series should brace up for disturbing scenes and triggering content that would make their emotions stir and boil in a negative way.

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