Secret Crusader Movie Full Cast & Characters You Need to Know

The Crusader a.k.a. The “Secret Crusader” is what the city needs after supervillains invade the territory. Legends said he hides under the guise of an average human being.

All Lyndon wishes is to live a life like his other peers. Life as a construction worker might not be pleasant; after all, Lyndon’s mean father and his younger brother always look down on him because of his construction worker identity.

One day, Nadia Taft, the Mayor’s beautiful daughter, seeks help from the Crusader. All Lyndon has to do is break free from his family’s suppressions until he returns as The Crusader.

Can Lyndon do it?

Part 1: All About Secret Crusader Movie Full Cast & Characters

Nadia Taft

Secret Crusader Nadia

People in the city where Nadia and her father live in the “Secret Crusader” movie agree Nadia is a beautiful daughter. Nadia’s roles in the film lean toward the damsel-in-distress roles; after all, the supervillains seem obsessed with capturing Nadia through the trailer’s stories.

Nadia has dreamed of The Crusader since she was a child. Then, again, she never had a vivid picture of the “Secret Crusader” superhero. Now that she has heard about him, Nadia wants to discover his identity.

There are signs that Nadia will eventually fall for The Crusader, and the trailers are only the beginning!

Lyndon Sunder (The Crusader)

Secret Crusader Lyndon

“Handsome, confident, and strong,” are three characteristics that define Lyndon Sunder, The Crusader in “Secret Crusader” movie. Lyndon’s human self is a construction worker, which makes it hard for other people in the city to acknowledge his alter-ego as “The Crusader”.

As a construction worker, Lyndon lives a challenging life, especially since everybody in his family circles but he has the CEO genes. Lyndon’s mean father favors his younger brother, while the younger brother brainwashes the rest of the Sunder family members to go against Lyndon.

Lyndon’s frequent interactions with Nadia throughout the “Secret Crusader” movie can lead the two main characters to develop romantic attachments!

Tatiana Siegel

Secret Crusader Tatiana

Like Nadia Taft, Tatiana Siegel also develops romantic feelings toward The Crusader. In the past, The Crusader (sometimes referred to as the “Secret Crusader”) has secretly supported the previously poor Tatiana to rise into the wealthy position.

Tatiana also becomes one of the few Secret Crusader characters to know that The Crusader and Lyndon “the construction worker” Sunder are the same person. However, her true vain and arrogant colors show after her enormous successes.

Tatiana might have hit the jackpot by getting engaged to Lyndon, the man she is in love with. Yet, what if Lyndon figured out her materialistic behaviors? What if Tatiana preferred the wealthier-looking Dylan a.k.a. Lyndon’s brother?

Dylan Sunder

Secret Crusader Dylan

“The arrogant nepo-baby” is Dylan Sunder’s middle name. The “Secret Crusader” movie trailers have proved his nasty ambitions in using the Sunder family’s name to advance himself. Dylan might be Lyndon’s younger brother; yet, he develops narcissism from his Golden Child status.

So far in the “Secret Crusader” movie, Dylan is the most in-denial for Lyndon’s real identity as “The Crusader”. He conspires with his father and the rest of the family members to make himself the heir to his father’s business. Hence, it makes him one of the most persistent supervillains in the movie.

Byron Sunder

Secret Crusader Byron

The “Secret Crusader” movie director teams narrate Byron as an old man suffering from some unknown cancer diseases. However, he might use his cancerous conditions to pit his sons, Lyndon and Dylan, against one another.

Byron has dumped Lyndon’s mother to remarry a younger and much healthier woman long before the stories of “Secret Crusader” begin. Later, the mistress gives birth to Dylan Sunder, the movie’s main villain.

Byron’s nature is mean and toxic, as he dumps Lyndon and Lyndon’s mother to live on a street just so the younger brother can replace his CEO position.

Part 2: Secret Crusader Full Movie Storyline

Secret Crusader Full Movie

Secret Crusader’s full movie storyline involves “The Crusader”, a superhero with outstanding martial arts ability and a noble personality. The city acknowledges “The Crusader” as a masked hero who always rescues the city in the right place and time. Yet, they never know who “The Crusader” is due to the superhero’s masked face.

Nadia Taft, the 20-year-old daughter of the city’s Mayor, has experienced a weird dream of The Crusader since she was a child. Her mind has been familiar with The Crusader’s heroic acts, including but not limited to The Crusader’s acts of saving her from the bullet. Even though it only happens in Nadia’s dreams, she feels The Crusader is a real person.

Meanwhile, “The Crusader” a.k.a. the “Secret Crusader” is such a humble superhero that he chooses to throw away his superhero identity to dedicate his life to an average human. Here, the “Secret Crusader” movie director teams invite the audiences to see the superhero’s human face as Lyndon Sunder.

Secret Crusader Story

Lyndon might come from a CEO family; as the first-born child, he should inherit his father’s business. Unfortunately, his mean father dumps him and his mother on the street, leading Lyndon to live his life as a construction worker. Lyndon’s father does these things to prepare Dylan Sunder, his younger brother, to be the heir.

At that time, Lyndon was already engaged to Tatiana Siegel, a woman in her late 20s whom he had saved from poverty. Now that Lyndon is merely a construction worker, the resting bitch-faced Tatiana is all set to dump him.

First, Tatiana sleeps with Dylan, Lyndon’s “much wealthier” brother. Together, they call Lyndon “loser” and other various horrible names. Dylan also leads the supervillain squads to attack the city. At the same time, the Mayor relies on Lyndon’s help to save the city from the supervillains.

Now, people from the city put their hope in “The Crusader”. Will Lyndon be able to convince them of his identity? Can he also become Nadia’s superhero and lover?

Part 3: How Will The Secret Crusader Movie Story Develop?

Secret Crusader Watch Online

“The Crusader” is a formidable superhero force that all people in the city have acknowledged. So far, we have seen his martial arts and ranged weapon capabilities in the “Secret Crusader” movie trailer. He is also a protective individual of people around him, especially Nadia Taft, the Mayor’s daughter.

We can also expect many romantic bumping and kissing scenes through the future episodes of Secret Crusader. The question: Lyndon starts as a “taken” person, for he has been engaged to Tatiana Siegel. So, will Lyndon stick with Tatiana or will he switch to the Mayor’s daughter, Nadia, instead? Will there be any redemption acts for Tatiana?

Tatiana wears an alluring wedding dress in one of the “Secret Crusader” movie trailer scenes. Future episodes should have shown her redemption. Yet, it will usually take more than 30 episodes for an arrogant, vain, and superficial individual like Tatiana to repent. Then, again, it will usually be too late.

Many successful movies have visions, dreams, foresight, forecasts, and others, as the elements that drive the story plots. ReelShort’s Secret Crusader movie is no exception. Who knows if the idealistic Nadia will encounter reality in future episodes? She will no longer dream of the superhero, for the superhero already devoted himself to her.

(P.S.: These things are only speculations of how the movie’s story will develop. You can figure out the plots by staying in touch with the movie’s episodes through ReelShort’s TikTok and YouTube accounts!)

Part 4: Conclusions

The “Secret Crusader” main storyline that involves a superhero and some barricades of supervillains makes this movie an interesting movie to watch. After all, not many movies successfully combine romantic and superhero elements in one movie.

The martial arts, the kissing, the fighting, and other adrenaline-rushing scenes are the reasons that the “Secret Crusader” movie deserves a full 10/10 rating!

Right now, ReelShort has aired the “Secret Crusader” movie trailer, signifying that more exciting episodes will be published soon. So, stay tuned on ReelShort!

Watch the movie trailer on ReelShort

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