Watch Spoiled By The CEO During Pregnancy Full Free Episode Online

In a bid to get rid of the pregnancy without letting the man know, Xia Qiqi is caught up in a maze of events that rival happiness, sadness, and confusion, just to name it. How would Xia Qiqi waiver this maze especially when the man in question has fallen in love with her, and her rivals would stop at nothing to bring her down and make her look bad in any way possible?

Part 1: Main Storyline Of Spoiled By The CEO During Pregnancy Full Episode

Spoiled By The CEO During Pregnancy

The drama starts on an interesting and humorous note. President Chi Ruoyu was a powerful man, wanted by all and sundry in terms of business and romance. However, that was not enough especially for his grandmother who could not wait for him to get married and give birth to children that would continue the family lineage.

President Chi was seen at the hospital trying to confirm that in fact, he was not impotent when Xia Qiqi entered the hospital and saw him. President Chi had ordered sexy lingerie which the doctor was going to use on a female dummy to test the President’s sexuality, and Xia Qiqi received the order.

As soon as Xia Qiqi entered the doctor’s office to deliver the order, President Chi recognized her and immediately asked her to bear witness to the doctor that nothing was wrong with him sexually, and that he could perform like a regular man. It was such an awkward moment.

Anyway, Xia Qiqi confirmed it, and that was the end of anyone’s doubt about the President’s sexuality, but it ignited a spark between President Chi and Xian Qiqi, who, after the one-night stand they had, had been apart from each other without any channel of communication.

President Chi quickly employed Xia Qiqi as his secretary just so that he could continue to keep her under his nose because he was in love with her, meanwhile, Xia Qiqi was pregnant with the man’s child, and desperately keeping the information away from him. Xia Qiqi meant to abort the child, but there was a slight delay because she needed someone to sign on her behalf.

As already stated earlier, it was a maze of events for Xia Qiqi. She had to be so close to President Chi and then hide such an intimate detail from a man who wanted to be by her side 24/7. Xia Qiqi suffered humiliation among the top-class ladies who also wanted President Chi as a romantic partner.

In one of the episodes of Spoiled By The CEO During Pregnancy, a rival of Xia Qiqi who was the heiress of the Su family, completely dismantled Xia Qiqi’s ego by rough handling her and forcing an entire content of a bottle of champagne into her mouth.

To cut a rather long and dramatic story short, President Chi chose Xia Qiqi, who, by the way, called him ‘Uncle.’ The man had chosen her, and there was nothing that anyone could do about it, so all the rivals of Xia Qiqi didn’t stand a chance against her. The story falls to the part where President Chi eventually finds out that Xia Qiqi is pregnant, and he knows that he is the father of the child.

Part 2: Spoiled By The CEO During Pregnancy Free Episode Recommendation

Episode 1

Spoiled By The CEO During Pregnancy Episode 1

Spoiled By The CEO During Pregnancy Episode 1

After one month of their one-night stand, President Chi and Xia Qiqi meet again. This is the beginning of the drama where Xia Qiqi unsuccessfully tries to abort her pregnancy and then receives an order for lingerie. She had a small business that she ran part-time while in college.

Xia Qiqi is shocked to receive the order because she was meant to deliver that order to the very hospital where she was just on her way out.

“In a sacred place like a hospital… make porno?”

That exclamation came from the lips of Xia Qiqi when she received the order. Well, she had to oblige the order which had already been paid for, and when it was time to deliver it to the customer, she saw President Chi again in an awkward situation, and the handsome man expressed his shock to see her after she disappeared from him one month ago.

“Avoid me for a month, are you that scared of me?”

Episode 2

Spoiled By The CEO During Pregnancy Episode 2

Right after the second meeting of the male and female lead characters, President Chi demands that Xia Qiqi vouched for him. According to Spoiled By The CEO During Pregnancy Novel, President Chi was not comfortable with the test that the doctor wanted to perform on him, so he was glad to have Xia Qiqi come to his rescue.

“That night, how I performed, was it good?

President Chi asked Xia Qiqi the question above in front of the doctor and his assistant, and their faces could not hide the shock and anticipation that the question triggered. To that question, Xia Qiqi replied that President Chi performed well, but his skills were not exactly that of an expert.

The first and second episodes of the drama are based solely on humor.

Episode 3

Watch Spoiled By The CEO During Pregnancy Episode 3

In episode 2, Xia Qiqi rescued President Chi from shame and doubt, but in this episode, it is the other way around. Xia Qiqi had just received a message that the sum of 5000 Yuan had been withdrawn from her account. She started crying immediately.

The way Xia Qiqi’s tears flowed throughout this movie is rather commendable. It flowed so easily, and it looked so real. Anyway, Xia Qiqi was in sorrow at that moment, and while she stomped away, claiming that she knew who took her money, President Chi quickly called his assistant and asked him to keep an eye on Xia Qiqi, making sure that nobody bullied her.

Episode 4

Spoiled By The CEO During Pregnancy Episode 4

In this episode of Spoiled By The CEO During Pregnancy, Xia Qiqi returns home to confront her mother who had taken out 5000 Yuan from her savings to give it to her brother just to buy a pair of sneakers.

This episode goes a long way to reveal to the readers how difficult a life Xia Qiqi faced. While she spent hours at college studying, she also worked part-time jobs, only for her money to be siphoned and given to her brother who did nothing but sit lazily at home, sleep, and eat.

This episode also reveals the first time Xia Qiqi’s mother tells her that a blind date had been arranged for her by one of her cousins, and it was one that she must attend.

Episodes 8 & 9

Spoiled By The CEO During Pregnancy Episodes 8 & 9

This is another episode that came off as awkward for Xia Qiqi. Her mother had forced her to go on a blind date with a scoundrel called Mr.Yin. If Xia Qiqi went on that date, her mother would be able to get a loan of 30,000 Yuan from Mr.Yin without interest.

Due to this, Xian Qiqi had to comply with her mother’s request, so she attended the date, but she quickly regretted stepping her feet there. The man was abusive, mentally and physically, and almost set Xia Qiqi up to be humiliated on the internet if not President Chi, the father of Xia Qiqi’s wife and her savior showed up to rescue her.

Part 3: Review Of Spoiled By The CEO During Pregnancy

Spoiled By The CEO During Pregnancy Watch Online

This drama series is one for the books. Accolades should be given to the writer and director of the movie for coming up with such a plot that is as intriguing as this is.

The plot easily elevates into a thicker one with each episode that passes, and the characters, though simple, have outstanding roles and to each their own.

All the characters in Spoiled By The CEO During Pregnancy gave an outstanding performance and it is difficult to choose who did best because everyone was remarkable.

The drama is showcased in such a way that it is easy for anyone to follow through and understand what the plot is about. There are no cumbersome and difficult scenes, and cliffhangers are duly distributed everywhere to keep viewers hooked on this remarkable journey of love between Xia Qiqi and President Chi.

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