The Virgin And The Billionaire Movie Watch Full Free Episode Online Guide

Literally everyone was using everyone to get something in this movie. Cindy Parks was the major object of usage as she was given out to a man to take her virginity all because her sleazy employer wanted that man to get married to her daughter.

The twists and turns in the plot of this movie is capable of making viewers feel drained but hang in there because as the plot thickens, juicy details and secrets emerge and are sure to have viewers eyes pop in shock and anticipation as they gaze at their screen.

Part 1: The Virgin And The Billionaire Overview

1.1 Storyline

The Virgin And The Billionaire Movie

Cindy Parks was nothing but an object to be used by the Jenkins family. How could a family go as far as asking a lady to give her virginity to a man she had never met before?

Also Watch Drop The Act, I’m The True Heiress On ReelShort.

So, this is how it went down. A certain billionaire professor called Charles Kane wanted to get married to the supposed daughter of John and Janet Jenkins, Nikki, but the condition he put up was that their daughter must be a virgin before he would get married to her.

They asked their maid, Cindy, who looked a lot like their daughter Nikki, to go and pretend to be their daughter in the hotel that the man was waiting for her in.

I mean, Cindy could have easily said no, but the life of her mother was on the line.

Cindy’s mother needed to undergo a kidney transplant, and the only people that could see that transplant come through was the Jenkins family. Now, if Cindy failed to give her virginity to that man, her mother would die.

Cindy, however, was lucky to have met this billionaire man who fell in love with her after having sex with her that night, and although the daughter of the Jenkins family came in and took Cindy’s place after the deed was done, the man was still able to know that the lady he slept with was not the one he woke up to meet the following morning.

Charles Kane arrived at the Jenkins family house for a date to see the woman he would marry, and he saw the Jenkins family mother, Janet, and her supposed daughter, Nikki, the one he was supposed to get married to, humiliating and bullying their maid. The maid was the Virgin lady he slept with.

Charles didn’t like what he saw at all, and that had nothing to do with the fact that he had slept with her, no. He just considered it really bad for people to bully and humiliate others no matter who they were, low or high profile.

Charles felt a connection with this maid who was being humiliated, not to mention the fact that she drastically looked like the lady he slept with. A man knows the woman he has been with in bed, and connections do not lie.

That was how Charles Kane started to bother the Jenkins about their maid, and why they treated her badly, and who she was. Bottom line, he was much more interested in this maid than in Nikki, his wife to be.

Charles’ attraction to this maid got to the point that he asked that she be at the table with them during dinner on his next visit.

The Jenkins women visibly gagged at the thought of their maid sitting and eating with them on the same table. It was ridiculous to hear Charles say that he wanted the maid to join them, but he insisted and even sent her a dress to put on for the occasion.

The Jenkins women tore up the dress that Charles bought for this maid and locked her up in a room.

How stupid.

Of course, Charles came and looked for the maid, and when he did not see her, he became upset.

That was how Charles got upset and left with the maid, especially when he saw her in trouble with the gardener who obviously wanted to rape her.

After all, he liked her enough to do that.

Charles’ fiancé, seeing that things were looking shaky, suggested that they got married in three days.

She was so afraid that Charles would not get married to her anymore because of this maid, so she wanted the marriage to be over with as soon as possible so that she could be Mrs. Kane before anything went wrong.

According to The Virgin And The Billionaire Movie, it was going to happen as such until Charles’ fiancé heard that Charles had taken the maid away to his place, and she drove drunk to his house, had an accident and entered a coma.

Cindy would stand in as Charles bride until Charles actual bride woke up from coma.

Well, it happened, and Cindy took the vows on behalf of the actual bride, but guess what? This stupid bride woke up during the reception and came to continue the wedding.

Everything was such a drag, and downright ridiculous.

Cindy became pregnant for Charles Kane, and the Jenkins family were insisting on an abortion.

It is worth noting that at this point, Charles had openly declared his love and preference for Cindy and would have nothing to do with the other lady that he ought to have got married to.

A lot was on the line if Charles didn’t get married to Nikki. The deal in the first place was that if Charles Kane got married to Nikki, the Jenkins family would enable a merger with which Charle’s business would skyrocket, but at this point, Charles was ready to forfeit everything.

In fact, he did forfeit the merger and went ahead to sign his business to the Jenkins when he became desperate for a donor for Cindy’s mother.

Yes. On the day of Charles and Nikki’s wedding, when Janet Jenkins saw that things were not going as planned, she abandoned Cindy’s mother, leaving the woman hopeless in the hospital.

A lot happened throughout the plot of this movie, but I would love to end with this.

Cindy and Nikki were twin sisters, and John Jenkins was their father. The story was that Cindy’s mother was the maid in the Jenkins family before Cindy, and she was raped by John Jenkins.

1.2 Main Roles

Cindy Parks

The Virgin And The Billionaire Cindy Parks

Cindy Parks is the lead actress of the movie. She is the virgin that lost her pride to Charles Kane and was only lucky enough for him to get married to her in one way or the other.

In The Virgin And The Billionaire Movie, Cindy started out as a weak character, but eventually became strong throughout the course of the movie.

She stood up to the Jenkins family after she had successfully won by getting married to the billionaire who at first lost everything, he had because of her but gained it back due to the prowess of his darling wife.

Charles Kane

The Virgin And The Billionaire Charles Kane

Charles Kane is the much talked about billionaire in the movie. He was a professor in Cindy’s school, and he fell in love with her on the first day he touched her.

Charles saved Cindy from the brutal Jenkins family, even though he had other motives at first. Charles’ union with the Jenkins family was meant to be one that would enable a business venture, but things didn’t quite work out as planned after he met Cindy.


The Virgin And The Billionaire Nikki

Nikki is the supporting female actress in the movie. She was Cindy’s biological sister, but that was not revealed until the later part of the movie.

Nikki was full of hatred and spite for Cindy, and she was the person who should have gotten married to the billionaire, Charles Kane, if not for the fact that she was not a virgin.

1.3 Review

The Virgin And The Billionaire Review

Romance takes so many forms, and they are clearly shown in different movies on ReelShort, from revenge to second chance, to substitute, etc. The Virgin And The Billionaire Movie is a deep example of how love can transcend every human expectation.

Initially, Charles Kane was ready to get married to a woman that he did not love because he wanted to excel in his business, but as soon as the man came across the woman that he loved, he forgot about that business and concentrated on the woman.

Part 2: The Virgin And The Billionaire Movie Full Free Episode On ReelShort

Episode 1

The Virgin And The Billionaire Episode 1

The first episode, the beginning, where it all started. Cindy was in the lion’s den. The episode starts with the door of hotel room 315 coming into view, and Cindy looking distressed as the handsome billionaire caresses her body.

‘’Don’t you want to know my name? Or how I got here?’’

Cindy could only wish that the man that was about to sleep with her and take her virginity could show some form of care and concern about her, but no.

Episode 5&6

The Virgin And The Billionaire Episodes 5&6

In this episode, Cindy is in school when she sees Charles Kane walking into the classroom. He is a professor as a matter of fact, and she fears that the man can recognize her.

Episode 10

The Virgin And The Billionaire Episode 10

‘’You know you can tell a lot about someone from the way they treat people that need them.’’

In this episode of The Virgin And The Billionaire, Charles Kane was visiting the Jenkins residence for the first time since he slept with the virgin maid, and he saw a glimpse of how they treated her at home.

Nikki, at this point, could already feel some traces of rejection from Charles towards her because his attention was solely on that maid, Cindy.  

Part 3: The Emotional Core Of The Virgin And The Billionaire

The Virgin And The Billionaire Watch Online

The depth of emotion in this movie lies in so many facets. The first cause of deep pain and emotional turmoil is seen in Cindy’s act of getting dis-virgined by force, as if it was just a passing thing that anyone could walk past and do.

Furthermore, Cindy’s mother who was in the hospital for a kidney disease had a lot of emotional baggage that she carried. To think that this woman was raped by John Jenkins and left to rot in the hospital following a disease that they could easily cure was mind bugling.

She had to sacrifice her daughter even after they had snatched one of her twin girls from her and made the girl a stranger to her own mother.

Yes. Nikki was Cindy’s sister, remember, and she was the only one that had a kidney which matched with her mother’s but instead of Nikki to happily donate this kidney of hers to her mother, she was not happy to do so at all, and put up a lot of conditions before she would make the donation.

How pathetic.

Part 4: Where To Watch The Virgin And The Billionaire Movie Full Episode Online

The Virgin And The Billionaire Episodes

The best place to watch The Virgin And The Billionaire Movie is on ReelShort. Speaking of picture quality? ReelShort surpasses all other apps that you might find the movie on.

You want to watch it on Netflix? I suggest not because it might be dubbed. Dailymotion? Certainly, dubbed and bootlegged. With that being said, I highly recommend the ReelShort App, website, or social media channels like TikTok and the official ReelShort YouTube channel.

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