You Belong With Me All Episodes

80 Episodes

You Belong With Me episode 50

Episode 50 - You Belong With Me

Kristine Wilson has always done the right thing, been the perfect girlfriend, perfect daughter, but that all changes when she meets Henry Lockwood. After spending years being abused by her family and cheated on by her fiance, she's fed up and done! To exact revenge on those who wronged her, Kristine makes a bold move. she sedueces Henry, the UNCLE of her cheating fiance, and the heir apparent of the Lockwood family fortune...
You Belong With Me episode 51

Episode 51 - You Belong With Me

Kristine Wilson has always done the right thing, been the perfect girlfriend, perfect daughter, but that all changes when she meets Henry Lockwood. After spending years being abused by her family and cheated on by her fiance, she's fed up and done! To exact revenge on those who wronged her, Kristine makes a bold move. she sedueces Henry, the UNCLE of her cheating fiance, and the heir apparent of the Lockwood family fortune...
You Belong With Me episode 52

Episode 52 - You Belong With Me

Kristine Wilson has always done the right thing, been the perfect girlfriend, perfect daughter, but that all changes when she meets Henry Lockwood. After spending years being abused by her family and cheated on by her fiance, she's fed up and done! To exact revenge on those who wronged her, Kristine makes a bold move. she sedueces Henry, the UNCLE of her cheating fiance, and the heir apparent of the Lockwood family fortune...
You Belong With Me episode 53

Episode 53 - You Belong With Me

Kristine Wilson has always done the right thing, been the perfect girlfriend, perfect daughter, but that all changes when she meets Henry Lockwood. After spending years being abused by her family and cheated on by her fiance, she's fed up and done! To exact revenge on those who wronged her, Kristine makes a bold move. she sedueces Henry, the UNCLE of her cheating fiance, and the heir apparent of the Lockwood family fortune...
You Belong With Me episode 54

Episode 54 - You Belong With Me

Kristine Wilson has always done the right thing, been the perfect girlfriend, perfect daughter, but that all changes when she meets Henry Lockwood. After spending years being abused by her family and cheated on by her fiance, she's fed up and done! To exact revenge on those who wronged her, Kristine makes a bold move. she sedueces Henry, the UNCLE of her cheating fiance, and the heir apparent of the Lockwood family fortune...
You Belong With Me episode 55

Episode 55 - You Belong With Me

Kristine Wilson has always done the right thing, been the perfect girlfriend, perfect daughter, but that all changes when she meets Henry Lockwood. After spending years being abused by her family and cheated on by her fiance, she's fed up and done! To exact revenge on those who wronged her, Kristine makes a bold move. she sedueces Henry, the UNCLE of her cheating fiance, and the heir apparent of the Lockwood family fortune...
You Belong With Me episode 56

Episode 56 - You Belong With Me

Kristine Wilson has always done the right thing, been the perfect girlfriend, perfect daughter, but that all changes when she meets Henry Lockwood. After spending years being abused by her family and cheated on by her fiance, she's fed up and done! To exact revenge on those who wronged her, Kristine makes a bold move. she sedueces Henry, the UNCLE of her cheating fiance, and the heir apparent of the Lockwood family fortune...
You Belong With Me episode 57

Episode 57 - You Belong With Me

Kristine Wilson has always done the right thing, been the perfect girlfriend, perfect daughter, but that all changes when she meets Henry Lockwood. After spending years being abused by her family and cheated on by her fiance, she's fed up and done! To exact revenge on those who wronged her, Kristine makes a bold move. she sedueces Henry, the UNCLE of her cheating fiance, and the heir apparent of the Lockwood family fortune...
You Belong With Me episode 58

Episode 58 - You Belong With Me

Kristine Wilson has always done the right thing, been the perfect girlfriend, perfect daughter, but that all changes when she meets Henry Lockwood. After spending years being abused by her family and cheated on by her fiance, she's fed up and done! To exact revenge on those who wronged her, Kristine makes a bold move. she sedueces Henry, the UNCLE of her cheating fiance, and the heir apparent of the Lockwood family fortune...
You Belong With Me episode 59

Episode 59 - You Belong With Me

Kristine Wilson has always done the right thing, been the perfect girlfriend, perfect daughter, but that all changes when she meets Henry Lockwood. After spending years being abused by her family and cheated on by her fiance, she's fed up and done! To exact revenge on those who wronged her, Kristine makes a bold move. she sedueces Henry, the UNCLE of her cheating fiance, and the heir apparent of the Lockwood family fortune...